Sunday, May 29


It's amazing how one week your on top of the world, then the next you feel like a three month old peanut stuck in the couch of owned by 350 lb person with an insatiable love for bean burritos and chili. If it wasn't for Jenn keeping me sane and choffering me around town, I more then likely would have ran into dodge street traffic over the past week. Car problems suck. Everyone knows that. That is why my dad went and bought a 2005 vehicle. I cannot explain how bad my car sucks right now. Seriously, it is bad. Almost as bad as me not being that punk in Idaho who was the sole winner of $220 million of powerball. I bought my five bucks in tickets, why can't I win? At least now I have my laptop back. They had to realign the motherboard. Sounds serious, but it was free, so I don't care. Oh well, anough disorganized ramblings for one day. I've got to take care of laundry and naps right now.


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