Tuesday, October 11

Quit yer Whining

I have a confession to make, people bitching about gas prices really twerk my nerve. Sure, call me a hipocrite all you want for creating a post whining about whiners. Everyone from the poor gas station attendents from the wallmart clerk is wheazing in my ear on how it cost $40 to fill up their car. I know, I have a car, I buy gas just like nearly everyone else. I am so sorry your Ford F-250 has two gas tanks that take a c-note just to fill up twice a week. Please, let me console you why you tear a Hamilton out of your puckered ass crack kicking and screaming all the way because you had to go street racing last night and it took more fuel then you were expecting. I know gas is expenive, I do feel sorry for those who need it to surive (ie. truck drivers) but there is nothing I can do about it. I drive my four cylinder. I only drive two and from work. I keep my RPM under 4,000. I am stuggling financally, but still fill my tank when it needs it. I am not out to ridicule the SUV drivers. If that is the type of veacle you need, so be it. Sure, it does cause inflation because of supply vs. demand. But as long as people are willing to pay, the price trend will contenue to rise. Sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I mention how much it takes to fill my tank?

11:44 PM  

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