Monday, October 30

Why me?

Let me start this post off with an apology, Jenn, if you happen to read this, hope I don't say anything to offend you, but I don't think I'm going to. Ok, where was I...Oh yea, why me. There have been an abnormally large amount of people coming to me lately with relationship issues. Now, I'm all for hearing out your problems and helping you through a tough time. Some of these people, though, want my opinion on matter. In fact, a few of them want more then my opinion, they want my advice!! Me, give relationship advice. Let me tell you a little about myself that some of you may not have known. When I was in high school, I only asked three girls out. To some guys, that is three more then they ever did. But this story is about me. I only asked three girls out...and all three said no. That's right, for those of you who know me, I never asked Jenn out. Here's how that went down. We both liked each other, but I was too stupid to know she felt the same way about me. Anyway, I managed to get the courage to sit at her lunch table my senior year of high school. We ate lunch together every day at the same table with the same group. This one stoner looking dude who sat at the table who was in Jenn's pottery class (I don't recall his name at the moment) asked how long we'd been going out on almost the last day of the fall semester. There was an awkward silence because up until that point; we had just been friends. So right there and then he declared us a couple... just like that. And we dated for nearly two years, celebrating that day as the anniversary. Well, now that I am in college and single again, For the past few months I have been a bit more proactive. I've flat out asked two girls to go on a date with me (both said no, which I'm cool with) and sheepishly found out that one girl I was laying it on pretty heavy was already engaged. Hey, I'm not use to looking for that giant rock on the left hand yet. I guess my point to all of this is I've come to realize that there won't always be a stoner on the spot declaring me and some girl I am interested in and might be interested in me a couple. So for all of those guys out there wanting my advice, it's this: Ask. Now I know I don't have a great track record with this technique, but unless you know a great stoner with a 6th sense of cupidness, the worst that can happen is the girl says no. You know what, I'm not angry, upset, devastated, or even worried. I know I am young and poor. I know there are better looking men out there as well as worse off ones. To the two girls out there who I KNOW don't read this but said no/I'm too busy, thanks for being honest and not leading a poor fool on. To the gal who is engaged, I promise my powers of observation will be stronger next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day you will walk into a room and the most wonderful person will be their. Your eyes will meet and you will know she is the one. Don't hurry it I know it will happen. In the mean time enjoy what life brings. Learn from your mistakes. Don't be discurage. You have life by the tail. To be your age and to have your smarts. Sit back and ENJOY. P.S. You'll be able to get into the bars soon and women will be falling all over you. I'm sure that you have heard the later it gets the better everybody looks. Not you of course. Your always are a good looking guy.

12:42 AM  
Blogger Jeff's Your Man said...

I sure hope "the one" will know how to use the right there and know the appropriate place to throw a comma or two.

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, so i am not as smart as you. That is why we will never go out as a couple!!!

11:13 PM  
Blogger Jeff's Your Man said...

Funny, I always thought it was because we were related.

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you think I am?

6:31 PM  
Blogger Jeff's Your Man said...

I'm going to take a stab and say my father. I it could be my sister as well, though. I just thought I would let you know, I can change my settings in here to not allow ananymous posts where you need to be a registered member of blogger to read it.

6:36 PM  

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