Tuesday, June 7

School Day

Yes, on only the second 90 degree day of the year, I start school. While it may only be two classes, it still adds up to several hours of homework a day. Math alone will take minimum three hours. Then there is the way awsome fact of getting my 14 week english class done in 18 days. But that still means I have to write a darn near perfect english paper in four weeks. It can be done, easly, but that still doesn't make me any more anxious to do it. What really bums me is my ten week class starts at 9:30 Monday through Thursday requiring me to go to bed early and making me kick Jenn out by Midnight. This is what time she should leave anyway, but I really Really REAALLY like her. At least I should be able to make time to see her once or twice a week for lunch. Cheerio for now.


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