Technical Confession
I have a confession to make. For the past two years, I have been running an unsecured wireless connection. I know I know, all of you are like, "Jeff, You're the technical guy. You are the guy I come to when my stuff is acting up!" All I can say is, I'm sorry. My advice is still valid. It may seem hypocritical, but for all of those I told to lock down your wireless connection, it really is the best way. Last night, I had a hiccup in my connection so I went to view my wireless properties. When I was there, I seen that my computer was picking up another (secured) wireless router. I felt so stupid and violated. Both of my neighbors are of the non technical species and I assumed I was safe to run an open network. Well, as the old adage goes, when you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME. I'm not that worried about someone having all of my personal information. Still, I can't tell you how stupid I feel for running an unsecured for soo long! It took all of ten minutes for me to go downstairs, pull the router, and reconfigure it to run 128 bit secure WEP. From now on, I promise I will do good with my home network maintenance.