Monday, October 31

Emailing from Cell Phones

I love my Aunt Kathy. She lives in Arkansas and is a sweet lady. A few weeks ago while I am work, I get a voicemail. It is my backward aunt telling me that she couldn't send me an e-mail from her cell phone. Or as some people call them, text-message. After that, she was questioning the fact if she even reached my phone or not. I was funnier then a greased banana thrown in a monkey cage. After she somehow re-convinced herself that she WAS talking to my voicemail, the catchphrase emerges: "Honey, when it comes to sophistication, I'm lost." Wow, talk about understantment of the year.

Sunday, October 23

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And then there were none

My dad just got word about 15 minutes ago that his dad died. He is understandably devistated. For those of you keeping track, grandparents remaining = 0.

Wednesday, October 12

Mommy, the Sex Offender wants to show me his Milky Way!

Boy, is this your lucky week or what! Two posts back to back. If you were to guess that there is something major that I am procrastinating, you'd be right. So lets get to it, shall we? This is a three part rant. The first part will be the medium to get to the story, then we will get down to issue at hand. I was cruising, the daily rag for all things conservative and Omaha, when I came across a headline that perked my peepers. Sex Offender Joins Field Trip. The abstract read "Nothing happened when a registered sex offender joined second-grade students from a Lewis Central elementary school on a field trip. But school officials today are sending a letter home to parents anyway." I went to click on the link to read the full article and it requires me to be a registered member. What crap it this! I hate having to remember passwords and logins to Umpteen billion diffrent sites. It is a news site. One of the few things that should be free. It is a crappy news site at that, I understand the NY Times requiring registration a little bit, but not the omaha daily rag. So I dig in and remember what the magic combo is to unlock the sex offender wonder story and am more then slightly disapointed. It spits out three double spaced lines of information that I didn't allready know from the abstract. Wow, I feel special. It gave me little new insite into this horrendious story to the sex offender chapparone. So off I go to hunt down more details in order to fully milk this for all it's worth. KETV didn't have anything on its main page about it, but they suck as well. I had to go all the way over to to see more then a second graders rendition of what the heck happened. Not only did wowt have actual information on the incident, but they even had a video over two minutes in lenght to help clarify. SO. Down to what happened. Some second graders went on a field trip to Hitchcock Nature Center, a secluded wooded area as discribed by another mother that was on the trip. One of the mother brought her boyfriend along, but there was a catch. In 1993, he was convicted of sexual abuse on a boy under the age of 13. Officals were quick to point out that NOTHING HAPPENED and that there were no laws broken. I want to give the mother the benifit of the doubt. I mean, this guy was convicted over twelve years ago, it is possible she didn't know. I am also not going to make in issue out of this happened in Council Bluffs. Just because it was Iowa doesn't mean that it couldn't have happened here in Omaha. There is a part of the story that is a bit disterbing, but in a different way, however. The only way this was discovered was by one of the other mothers checking the profile of the man after the field trip. I common people, what kind of over-protective rag checks out every single chaparone her child ever encounters. Oh wait, I know the answer to that. The kind of women who is quoted on saying

""I didn't know until I got home," [
Jennifer Belt of Council Bluffs] said, until she checked Iowa's sex offender registry when she got home. "He was a sex offender. Popped in his name and this pooped out.""

Pooped out?!? You are being interviewed by a television crew. Luckly, they had enough common sence to edit that part out on the video, but left in the article. Ether this women is WAY to overprotective or this guy was really really creappy. I'm gonna guess the previous.

As a side note, the state is now investigating this to make sure the boy isn't in danger for having this guy living in the house.

As a second side note, there is a guy in a bird suit and blue jeans in the courtyard below me here at college.

Tuesday, October 11

Quit yer Whining

I have a confession to make, people bitching about gas prices really twerk my nerve. Sure, call me a hipocrite all you want for creating a post whining about whiners. Everyone from the poor gas station attendents from the wallmart clerk is wheazing in my ear on how it cost $40 to fill up their car. I know, I have a car, I buy gas just like nearly everyone else. I am so sorry your Ford F-250 has two gas tanks that take a c-note just to fill up twice a week. Please, let me console you why you tear a Hamilton out of your puckered ass crack kicking and screaming all the way because you had to go street racing last night and it took more fuel then you were expecting. I know gas is expenive, I do feel sorry for those who need it to surive (ie. truck drivers) but there is nothing I can do about it. I drive my four cylinder. I only drive two and from work. I keep my RPM under 4,000. I am stuggling financally, but still fill my tank when it needs it. I am not out to ridicule the SUV drivers. If that is the type of veacle you need, so be it. Sure, it does cause inflation because of supply vs. demand. But as long as people are willing to pay, the price trend will contenue to rise. Sorry.