Saturday, January 28

I got mail today!

Big news, I know, but I am actually excited about todays mail. I only got four pieces of mail, but none of them were creditcard apps, so it was a good mail day. I finely got my Popular Science magazine. I love that periatical because it is chocked full of geeky goodness. I also got some tax stuff from summer classes I took at metro. Don't quite know what to do with them, but I'll find a use as soon as I get another computer and buy me some turbo tax. Oh yea, for those who have'nt herd my moaning already, my laptop broke again (numero quattro) and so now as soon as the repair people verify that it is busted, Best Buy will give me a new computer. So, back to my marvilace mail day. I recieved a letter from the Dean Hinton congradulating me on making it on his Dean's list. That's always cool, but it was the final piece of mail that was my favorite. See, on Wednesday, the 25th, my Visa check card was compromised. Someone hacked into a third party processor and may or may not have stole my credit card number. SO to protect me, they just completly canceled my plastic. I went to lunch on friday with a dollar cash in my pocket and my card only to have it not be processed. Again, I tried to buy some meat and it just wouldn't swipe. It wasn't denied or anything, I wouldn't connect with the servers. Today I recive a new card in the mail and now can abuse my checking account at free will. I just wish someone would have called me or gave me a heads up on what was going on before leaving me out in the cold like that. What if I had a big date friday night and couldn't pay for anything? It's a good thing I don't have a life or else I could have been really embarressed. Anyways, I'll update again when I get my new computer to brag tell you all about it.

Sunday, January 8

I tied my own tie today!

Today, I bought a new tie, because I needed a new tie. The only problem is I have never learned how to tie one before. I had my dad show me over and over and over and over again. After many failures, I finely got it down. I CAN TIE MY OWN TIE! I am a man now and need my dad for nothing else. He has taught me how to pump gas and drive a car. He has taught how to bate a hook and change a tire. Finely, he has tought the one last kernel of information; how to tie a tie. I can now leave and enter the world as a productive citizen, because I can tie a tie. Thank you dad.

Monday, January 2

Buttsecs Anyone?

This is quite possibly the funnest thing on the intarweb. It is very sick, gross, and violates a good five or six golden rules provided from the Bible. But, it is still funny. This Peter and the Wolf remix is courtisy of Smilin Jay from and is, as said before, quite funny. Well, here it is and enjoy