Sunday, May 29


It's amazing how one week your on top of the world, then the next you feel like a three month old peanut stuck in the couch of owned by 350 lb person with an insatiable love for bean burritos and chili. If it wasn't for Jenn keeping me sane and choffering me around town, I more then likely would have ran into dodge street traffic over the past week. Car problems suck. Everyone knows that. That is why my dad went and bought a 2005 vehicle. I cannot explain how bad my car sucks right now. Seriously, it is bad. Almost as bad as me not being that punk in Idaho who was the sole winner of $220 million of powerball. I bought my five bucks in tickets, why can't I win? At least now I have my laptop back. They had to realign the motherboard. Sounds serious, but it was free, so I don't care. Oh well, anough disorganized ramblings for one day. I've got to take care of laundry and naps right now.

Saturday, May 21

Life Without.....

Has your world ever been turned upside down on you? Have you ever felt like life was going great, then you slipped on that banana peel and down you went? Well, that is how I feel right now. Even though I have only had it since November, we were very attached. I played with her every day, sometimes twice a day. On the weekends, the only way you could seperate us was when Jenn came over. Even then, at times, we spent a few precious moments together. About a month ago, my little buddy wasn't doing so well. I toughed it out the best I could, but her condition worsened. So on Thursday, I had to take her in to get looked at. While her condition wasn't terminal, it still meant two to three weeks without my laptop while the loose power jack is replaced. Best Buy advertises their Geek Squat as computer technitions. They are nothing more then a few kids who know how to set up a home nework, install security and tax software, or reformat a hard drive. They arn't technitions, if they were, they would crack open my babies case and swap out the loose jack for a new and tighter one. Instead, they have to send in back to the manufacuter. Come on people, THIS IS MY LIFE YOU ARE TAKING AWAY! Why must I wait so long? And would someone tell me what the heck this crusty stuff on the monitor of the computer my sister has been using every day for the past seven months is? Seriously folks, this goo is nasty, it needs to get cleaned. That is all, thank you.

Tuesday, May 17

Ugly Stuff

Um, has anyone checked out the new Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Apple Ipod, Apple G5, or Sony headphones latly? They all have one thing in common, they are all white and all ugly! Don't get me wrong, I am not goth and fear light, but an overload of all this white is turning me off. I have always liked black, the clean, sleekness of the color. Sure, black anything always looks dirtier, but the sharpness of it pays off when black is clean. Another observation, does anyone else think that all of these products look the same? It seems to me that they are all trying to be individualistic yet try to maintain a unifority in their shapes. the biggest suprise was how much the Microsoft xbox looks to Macintosh G5 Imac. If I didn't know otherwise, I would say Gates hired some mac designers to sculpt his new toy. And lastly, what is doing with their headphones? They spent the past two years dogging the Ipod and even went as far as to design their own supposed superior personal listening device. Then, they give into the temptation and assume that if their headphones were white, then the posers would feel beter about themselves and buy them.

Sunday, May 15


It may be no big suprize to any of my readers, but I enjoy music with not so nice lyrics. These CD's come with the parental advisory label and I am fully aware of what is inside. I feel like I am mature enough to handle the materal portrayed in these CD's. Why is there censorship on the tracks? I know Michaela doesn't listen to dirty CD's, so she won't know what I'm talking about but soon will. Warning, Incoming Rant. On several of my Eminem CD's, there is blantant and unneccesary censorship. If I don't like the song, I won't listen to it. There is one track in paticular on The Marshall Mathers LP where, in vivid and graphic detail, he describes killing his wife. Guess what, I Don't Listen To IT. It bothers me. I love women and I can't stand to here such torcher. I am not calling for a ban of the song. I don't even know what it is called because it isn't even on my Itunes. However, the song I'm Back he mentions
I take seven kids from Colombine, stand 'em all in line
Add an AK-47, a revolver, a nine
a Mack-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine
and that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time
Only in song, Kids and Colombine are censored out. I understand this CD was relesed soon after the tragity, and I say tragity (however it is spelled) with the earnest truth. But, if you don't like it, don't listen. There are other examples on other CD's, I know Kid Rock has a censorship on his Devel Without a Cause album. My point is, as a paying custumer, I have proved I am old enough for the content and if I choose not to listen to certain parts, I won't. (rant mode off).

Saturday, May 14

I have a green Ipod Mini and and Alpine Stereo that connects directly to it. That and this is one of 5 pictures on my computer. Posted by Hello

About Me

Well, let me try this thing out. I am never really one to keep a journal, but now since there is a slight lul in school, I have some free time on my hands. A little about me. Well, I cannot spell worth a darn. You can feel free to not correct me in my comments unless you have the urge. No, let me change that, correct all you want, but I will not correct anything or even really care. I am going to be a sophmore at University of Nebraska at Omaha. I am going to be taking two summer classes at Metro, College Algebra and English. I kind of don't want to. I have a job, which is cool. I shinkwrap, run several variable imaging printers, and am currently the scale operator. Many of you out there in internet land don't have a clue what I'm talking about, but more rant's on them to come. Finally, I have a wonderful and beautiful girlfriend. The two people that will initally be reading this already know most of this stuff, but it has to get out there, so there it is.